August 21, 2011

Upload Photo to Your Facebook Account Using Opera Mini

Nowaday, while you access your facebook account through its mobile site using Opera Mini, you can't upload any image directly. Yeah, its silly isnt it, while previously its photo share feature, working fine.

Off course you may use any third party applications or its email address to upload your own photos. Otherwise, you may use your facebook photo share feature in different way. Here is simple way how to do that:

1. Go to your FB Home Page

2. Navigate all the way down in your FB Home Page, you'll notice "Simplified Site" link, clik on it

3. You'll re-directed to its "Simplified Site". Clik "photo"

3. Now its Field box Explorer working smoothly. Click on it and locate your photo, add some caption, click "Upload" then wait till its uploading process finished

4. Now, you may return your FB acc to its "Normal Site", just go to your FB Home Page and navigate all the way down to click its "Normal Site" link

Easy isn't it ;)

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